
where accountability and action lead to ascension. 

is not just a community; we're a catalyst for change & together we command our goals. 

Collective of Commanders



who can see the future but need a push to start the journey.


who understand that making an impact requires more than just good intentions.


who recognize their patterns and are seeking a transformation.


who’s felt the sting of potential unfulfilled and craves progress.

If you're ready to leave the realm of 'what if' and step into the world of 'what is,' welcome to the Collective of Commanders


Unlock your productivity archetype in under 3 minutes. 

CmdAye (Command A)

Accountability, Action, and Ascension

Forget just thinking about change; it’s time to command it. We’re not about wishful thinking. We're about actionable steps, real growth, and tangible achievements. 

Here, we harness the power of collective action to propel each other forward. As commanders, we empower, support, and lift each other, navigating the path to our goals with strength and determination. 

Embrace the journey with us -  where accountability & action lead to ascension. Together, we're not just reaching for our dreams; we're seizing them.


for Helpful Hacks

Get exclusive, non-boring hacks for action and productivity that actually work. Transform ‘busy’ into sorted." 

Meet the Architect Behind cmdAction: 


June Aye isn't just the founder of cmdAction; she's the mastermind turning strategic action into an art form. With a certification in AI from MIT and a reputation as the queen of aligned action, June’s approach to productivity and achievement is ruthlessly efficient, ensuring that every effort invested yields maximum returns.

Why cmdAction Exists?

Drawing from her own rigorous academic background and her journey of self-empowerment, June identified a common pitfall for many: the gap between potential and realized success. It’s not just about having ambition; it’s about having a precise action plan and the accountability to follow through. cmdAction was born out of this realization — to fill that gap.

Our Mission: 

Aligned Action

Empower individuals to not just dream but do, June brings the discipline of AI and the strategic thinking of a seasoned entrepreneur to create a community where action and accountability aren’t just encouraged; they’re non-negotiable.